Our rules:
Childish behavior ( please behave yourself)
Support the clanchest ( if you can't, "example: you're on vacation" then let us know)
Violence ( Respect is very important)
Minimum 10 donations in a week ( no hoppers )
By breaking one of these rules you will get a strike.
What if I get strikes?
There is one simple answer on that, when you get 3 strikes
this means you will get kicked out immediately.
There can't be talked about it, it's you responsibility to not get strikes!
If you can do all this then we would like to hear more of you to join the clan you can fill in the box underneath and I will
pick out the people that are a match for our clan.
I hope to see you soon!
Our rules
What are strikes?
Strikes are warnings that you can get when you break one of our rules or if one of your acts are really inapropriate.
Sven Walravens
I started loving the supercell games from a very young age. I started on Clash of clans and build up my experience.
When I was doing this I came across a lot of players and clans. Later on I also started playing Clash Royale and came across some clans here too. This was the moment that I noticed problems that we're common on both of the games. Clans did not have an overview of they're members, did not occupy them over they're clan, there was no fun, people we're childish and so ever. I wanted to use my passion for those games to create something more fun a clan were we know each other even we don't have a band in real life. I wanted to use social media to find members because clash royale did not had the world chat option like clash of clans. And now we are here a full clan and a system inside.